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Senior Volleyball: A Moment to Remember

Updated: Mar 22, 2024

By: Vanessa Giang

It was a day like any other. The Senior Boys Volleyball team was ending their practice with a scrimmage and the Girls team was eagerly waiting for their practice as they sat watching from the stage. As Mofe O, a player on the far side was about to serve, his five other teammates stood in position. The three front players attempted to shield Mofe from the other side of the court by stretching their arms as far as possible. On the other side of the net, the six other boys were waiting to receive the ball. They were in a ready position which consisted of feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent and both arms out in front. Andrew M, a senior player, shouted at them to get lower which would help in receiving the ball.

Isaac Yuan seemed to have a unique way of following these instructions. He squatted much lower than most people would, with his knees bent inwards. Many onlookers were surprised at how flexible his joints were. After being prodded, Leyla K managed to snap a photo of the hilarious scene and later edited Isaac over a squat toilet. At first, the edited image was used for phone lockscreens until Saryn L had another brilliant idea - printing the picture on t-shirts. After a lot of teasing and persuasion, Isaac reluctantly allowed for the printed t-shirts to be ordered and many people on the senior volleyball teams began showing off their new apparel. Even the coaches of the Senior Boys team, Mr. Gardiner and Mr. Croot, were enticed by the shirts bearing/sporting the funny bootiful meme and wanted to purchase them.

On Oct. 25, Twin Day was held and people flaunted their Isaac Toilet™ t-shirts, forming a remarkable Isaac Cult. Unfortunately to Isaac’s dismay (but joy of everyone else), it doesn’t seem like his newfound popularity will die down anytime soon as some seniors are already thinking of using his photo for their grad tiles.

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