Senior Volleyball + Interview w/ Sr. Girls Captain: Sydney Fehr
Wild on two! One, two, WILD! The loud cries of 12 girls echoed through the clashing hues of purple and gold gymnasium. They were joined with cheers from the cluster of students perched upon the stage. The air was heavy with tension and a hint of excitement from representing the school. Following impressive points being scored, the gym shook with roars. After pushing through a couple tough sets, the WCS Senior Girls Team celebrated winning both their home games on October 11. This is Westmount.
The volleyball season began shortly after the start of a new school year. Many students were eager to participate in the multiple tryouts that were held for the junior and senior teams. After proving their worth to coaches, teams for the 2023 season were formed. Seniors, Jamie M. Leyla K, Maria A, Raelene Y, Sydney F, Vanessa G, Jonathan E, Devin F, Nathan C, Caden S. and Andrew M, were excited to play their final year and also in the Senior Night on Nov. 9th.

Spirits are high with the senior teams playing through their respective leagues and tournaments. Morale remained high despite losses and improvements were made in spite. Sydney F, the Senior Girls captain, remarked that “celebrating each little thing we do is important [to help] motivate each other”. After all, the foundation for a successful team is built from strong interpersonal relationships.
There were tournaments on the third October weekend for the senior teams. The Boys team traveled to Strathmore for a tournament where they won gold and the Girls looked forward to the notable Dig Pink Tournament that raises money for breast cancer. In the meantime, both junior teams were busy with practices. Though the winter approaching marks the end of the school volleyball season, the frigid winds bring along the anticipated basketball season and curling.

Interview with Sydney Fehr, Sr. Girls team captain

1. How do you motivate other players on the team, for example when the team is losing?
"When we’re losing, it’s hard to stay optimistic, but I think just remembering the team and celebrating each little thing we do is important. Every point we get and every comeback we get should be celebrated, and even if we lose, it’s a successful game if we were able to improve on something or achieve a goal we had for the game."
2. How does it feel to be in your senior year on the volleyball team?
"It’s crazy and hasn’t hit in yet that it’s our last year with WCS sports, but that gives me more motivation to try and make this the best season ever and have a personal goal each game, like make a hit or have a good dig or something."

3. How do you feel about being captain this year?
"I absolutely love being captain with such an amazing and supportive team and I feel like we all help out and motivate each other, so it makes my role so easy. My favourite part is doing the cheer though, that will never get old!"
4. What has been your favourite moment this season?
"My favourite moments this season are every time we have a good play and we huddle after winning the point. How happy and excited everyone gets and being in those huddles is the best part of the game. The locker room chats after practices are also my favourite, it’s such a hilarious and awesome team."
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